Japan Yen TO Vietnam Dong Exchange rate

1 JPY = 168.30000 VND - today's best rate

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Transfer JPY to VND online with the best exchange rate

We provide a smooth and dedicated service with the best exchange rates and transfer fees for converting Japan Yen to Vietnam Dong. International wire transfers no longer takes weeks. We will send your Japan Yen to Vietnam Dong faster than the bank.

For regular foreign exchange payments, register now and perform multiple currency transfers. Send Japan Yen online and keep a record of the status of all transactions.

TransferMate will beat your bank on exchange rates and transfer fees and provide you with a faster easier system for making your payments. We focus on affordable prices so anyone can take advantage of the service. Sending Japan Yen to Vietnam Dong has never been easier!

To better understand how it works, we provide live currency graphs and historical JPY to VND exchange rate tables below:

**Please note that some territories are not covered under TransferMate’s regulatory licences. For a full list of regulated territories click here or contact the TransferMate team.

Historical JPY to VND Exchange Rates

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